The Way I See This Search

To Kick Start November - Some Interesting Words + Photos

Hello guys and welcome to the best month of the year, November.

Here are some very interesting photos from in no particular order. I have used random words which popped up in my head and I Google Image Searched them and what I found was very interesting. So here goes;

1. Asymmetric; Bertoia Asymmetric Chaise

2. Morocco; Nothing to say to this.

3. Nutshell; Where did this one come out from?

4. Bomb; A USB Memory Bomb! Seriously?

5. Callipygian; If you still do not know the meaning, then please go look it up.

6. Pettifogging; Hmmm?

7. Tyrotoxism; What does this have to do with the meaning of the word?

I shall be doing a round two sometime tomorrow or a few days later. Till then I hope you enjoy this.



Sofhal Jamil said...

Hi. How are you? It's nice to read your blog. Keep on working on it. So, I drop EC for you. Don't forget to Keep on Smiling. Salaam.un

L. Venkata Subramaniam said...

Wow these are excellent photographs. I would like to be able to create images like these. Do you have any idea how that could be done?

Ha ha Thanks to you I learnt a few new words like callipygian and pettifogging and tyrotixism? I tried to guess the meanings from the photos but got them all wrong!

WebbieLady said...

i love that image of the usb looks so cool..well, maybe it is a cool bomb too, striking bubbles when it explodes! ^^