The Way I See This Search

The Amazing Race - Season 13 Episode 4 - "I Wonder If They Like Blondes In New Zealand?" Update

Hello guys...



I just finished watching episode 4 of The Amazing Race Season 13. The episode was titled I Wonder If They Like Blondes In New Zealand?

#1. Ken and Tina (Fast Forward: Seven Night trip for two to Rio De Janeiro.
#2. Terence and Sarah
#3. Kely and Christy
#4. Toni and Dallas
#5. Nick and Starr
#6. Andrew and Dan
#7. Aja and Ty
#8. Marissa and Brooke (Eliminated)

At the Pit Stop in La Paz, Bolivia frustrations continued to build up betwen Nick and Starr and Kelly and Christy.

The clue given to them at the start insturcted them to fly more than 6,900 miles to Auckland, New Zealand and there they had to find their way at night to the Gulf Harbor to untie a knot which would reveal their clue.

The first of only two fast forwards was given then and there. Ken and Tina and Andrew and Dan both went to it but it was Ken and Tina who got their first. They bypassed all tasks and went straight to the pit stop.

Then the rest of the teams made their way to Mount Eden where there was a Roadblock which only one member may complete. This one was "Who has an eye for detail?" No one really took time here except I think two teams had to do it again but not really any loss of time. Terence, Andrew, Christy, Starr, Aja, Brooke and Toni did this task.

After this they all had to travel to the City Life Hotel and they had to go to the roog and using binoculaurs they had to search for a Travelocity Gnomes (These have appeared in many seasons). Once they found it and retreived it, the Gnome instructed them to go to Kiwi 360*. At this point, Marissa and Brooke were way behind with Aja and Ty in front of them. Terence and Sarah lead the pack.

Once they arrived at Kiwi 360* there was a detour, which is a choice between two tasks. In this detour teams had to choose between Matter of Time and Matter of Skill.
In Matter of Time teams were required to travel to a kiwi orchard and crush kiwis using their feet to make twelve quarts of juice. Each member then had to drink a glass of it.
In Matter of Skill, teams traveled to BioCart Heaven and then assembled two BioCarts, which they were required to complete three laps on.

Terence and Sarah, Kelly and Chirsty and Marissa and Brooke successfully completed Matter of Time.
Nick and Starr, Andrew and Dan and Aja and Ty tried Matter of Time but gave up and went for Matter of Skill which they successfully completed.
Toni and Dallas went straight for Matter of Skill and completed it.

During the Matter of Skill task, Starr fell off her BioCart and injured her hand. It looked realy bad but you couldn't really tell if she had broken it or not. Nevertheless she went on and comepleted the laps.

After these tasks were completed, teams were given their final clue which instructed them to go the Pit Stop where Phil and Phil's Dad were waiting.

All six teams went to the Pit Stop and in the end Aja and Ty and Marissa and Brooke fought it out doing different tasks. In the end though, Aja and Ty beat out Marissa and Brooke who got eliminated.

Some quotes;

Starr: "The arm is hurting really bad, but we're still team 5. We're still here.
Terence: (regarding the kiwi bucket at the Matter of Time detour task) The bucket was lined with a layer of jagged rocks and then on top of it were these incredibly hard stubborn kiwis.
Marissa: Brooke and I will be best friends forever.

So what did you think of this episode?
Did you want Marissa and Brooke to stay in The Amazing Race?
Did you like my summary of the episode? Should I do it every week?



Anshul said...

seems very interesting i was unaaware of it. I too would like to watch the all episodes now.

Sofhal Jamil said...

Yeah, I keep watching this season on satelite tv, but since this monday, i can't see it anymore, because in my country our satelite tv 'astro' is closed. ;(

Sahil Bhalla said...

Well you could find it online you know?

So who is your favorite team? Or your two favorite teams?

L. Venkata Subramaniam said...

I dont think this series is shown in India. I have not seen too many reviews of tv serials, usually people only review movies. What would be interesting about tv serial reviews would be trying to predict the future and seeing whether what you predicted actually happens. Now that is something you cant do with movies.

Sahil Bhalla said...

BTW - This is shown in India one day or rather 12 hours after it is shown in The USA. It is shown at 9PM on AXN every Monday night.

I will try and predict the future. Lets see how it goes.